Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Shodown Shirt Sneak Peak!

Shodown Couture just posted a sneak peak of the new KwickFish t-shirt designs to their facebook! For the last six months, I've been working with Shodown to design clothes that represent the poker lifestyle ethic. My design above signifies the strength and peace of mind that I think it takes to play winning poker. The shirts are bamboo, so they’re ridiculously soft and renewable—two things that are very important.

Shodown also has their original shirts which I wore throughout the WSOP. Here’s everyone’s most diplomatic fight promoter showing off the Hooks shirt. Do they make shirts big enough for Brock? :) Check em out!

Summer: Highlights and Things Yet to Happen

It's been a whirlwind summer.

I began the summer by taking a river cruise with Amber through Europe. On the second night there, I proposed and she said yes! Obviously things off to a phenomenal start.

Then, as always, I spent the next six weeks in the Rio poker room for the WSOP. Historically, I've had trouble with smaller buy-in events but I really started figuring things out. I only had one small cash but I feel now that my game is at a much better place. The main event was one of the most rewarding and also the most heartbreaking tournaments I've played in recently. Still though, I'm proud of the way I played. Good luck to the nine! :)

Since the WSOP I've been all over the place, mostly outside. About a month ago I backpacked up to a natural hot springs and then climbed Conundrum and Castle Peaks, two 14,000' mountains in Colorado. A few weeks ago I went white water rafting with Amber, Daisy, and a bunch of good friends. I've been playing a lot of softball and volleyball too.

As I pointed out in a recent post, the biggest news since Amber's and my engagement has been the addition of Bella to our family. It's fun having a puppy again but this dog has a mind of her own.

Other than that? Getting ready for NFL, working on a Heads Up book, and trying to stay on top of the changes in MMA. Football starts in 16 days!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Brandon Marshall

B Marsh wants to get paid. My Broncos are afraid of his off the field ish. Keep in mind, this is the team that paid Travis Henry to finance a cocaine trafficking ring. They're understandably a little gun shy.

I honestly think if Brandon can shut his mouth and walk the straight and narrow this year, Bowlen will give him the big bucks.

Can we please save the drama and just play some football?


Thursday, August 20, 2009


Amber and I adopted another dog! Meet Bella. She's about 3.5 months old and the people at the Humane Society think she's part Plott Hound and part Retriever. She's all awesome!
