Friday, October 07, 2005

Minesweeper Epiphany

Ok, so here is the deal. For those of you who don't know, I'm insane at minesweeper. I'm not trying to brag or anything, just trying to fairly convey the level of skill that is required to play the game. It is hard to describe in words just how dominate I am at the game, you just have to see it for yourself. But I will say this...last night was an awesome breakthrough. I played a flawless game, and then was presented with a board that was literally impossible to conclude with certainty, however, instead of taking a 50/50, which is what 90% of players, even experts would do in that spot, I gave myself a 75% chance to stay alive by taking a 50/50, and using that knowledge to derive a different set of outcomes. As if this weren't enough to make you cream your pants, I then took that knowledge, and went one step further, and decided which of the four squares (only one containing a mine) was the wisest to choose, based on the possible outcomes, assuming that I would still be alive after choosing the sqare (as all four as just as likely to contain the mine). This led to a well deserved victory, and quite possibly one of the proudest gaming accomplishments of my life - outside of the ridiculous Counter Strike ownage back in the day, which would take a novel to convey, but rest assured, people would spend hours at a time in my room just watching me play this game. When consistently have scores with ratios as bad as 5:1, and as good as 50:1 without having any sort of hack, people are naturally enthrawled, especially when high or drunk. In any case, if anyone should wish to observe the minesweeper ownage, just let me know, and we can schedule a meeting.



Blogger TheGraveWolf said...

hahaahh kwicky you chode....give me one week and i will own you.

Julian Silvain

5:32 PM  
Blogger Lazypoo87 said...

Sup, you don't know me but I read moons, wolf's, and your blog. I play on pp too. Yeha my friend was insaine at minsweeper and I know exactuly what u mean by picking the wisest square, even though i probably couldn't do it or it would take me a day. Anyway so if u wanna play some cs i'll gladly tear u up :D. Aim me zoned87

10:30 PM  

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