Friday, September 30, 2005


Ok, for those of you who don't know, there is an extremely soft game off Sheridan with a lot of money. The 2/5 NL cash game there is absurd, I'm really excited to see what the future holds. Wolf and I stopped by there last night, and though the results didn't show, we played some awesome poker - really only one big mistake by Wolf, and a couple lose siphoning calls by myself, but otherwise superb poker. Work is so unmotivating at this point, the only reason I'm sticking with it is two fold. First, I committed to working a full year as manager, and I intend to uphold that. Second, it does provide a nice place to free my mind of poker when I need a break, but you'd better beleive that right after work, I'm racing home to either pull an online sesh or play in a live game (which is obviously preferable). As far as my physical aspects of the game, I think I'm getting a lot better at not being so readable - plus I've learned who I can, and more importantly, can't bluff under any circumstances. Anyway, off to have my new house inspected, hope all goes well. Till next time...


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