Wednesday, April 19, 2006

WPT Championship Event

I find it kind of ironic that two days ago Moon had to talk the Gambler and I into playing the second satellite into the Championship Event. Gambler ended up with a devastating bubble finish at 54th when 51 got seats. I was lucky enough to get a seat (and I do mean lucky-getting it all-in with 78o against J3o and sucking out, and getting it all-in with A2s against 55 and sucking out). The first day of the event was yesterday, and I felt extremely comfortable, despite all the big names all over the place, and playing without my hat, sunglasses, or IPOD. It was pretty much just like a deep stack NL cash game, which is my specialty. I hope the structure stays this way for as long as possible, because I truely beleive that I have a great shot at winning this tournament. I drew a pretty lucky seat yesterday - to the left of a complete maniac named Amir Nasseri, who plays in the highest NL cash game tables. However, having position on him made my life much easier. Also at the table was Lyle Berman, and for a brief time Gabe Thaylor. I have today off, so tomorrow I'll have to get my game face back on. Wish me luck


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